Enemy soldiers can often be hard to make out, blending in with the buildings and muddy backdrops, meaning you'll need to keep a close eye out for any signs of movement. Whether online or in the game's story driven campaign, Call of Duty WW2 does require a some sharp observational skills, and plenty of situational awareness. If you choose to venture online, however, the game doesn't attempt to stream players by ability, instead pitting newbies against those with hundreds of hours of experience. On the lowest level, Recruit, you'll be able to take a lot more damage than even the game's normal difficulty, which makes lasting until the end of each level a lot easier.
While the game assumes you know the basics - the tutorial tells you how to crouch, but not how to move or shoot - the four difficulty levels on offer give you plenty of scope for customising the challenge. In terms of accessibility, Call of Duty WWII is a game aimed experienced shooter players, yet there are a few settings and tweaks to help new players get on board. How easy is Call of Duty WWII to pick up and play?
All of the game's multiplayer modes are playable in split-screen, too, either offline against bots, or online against other players. Zombies mode, meanwhile, lets up to four players team up to take on wave after wave of Nazi undead, with your kills earning you points which can be exchanged for new weapons, armour, automatic revivals, or access to new parts of the map. Here, you may have to escort a column of tanks, while the other team tries to stop them, or defend a number of bunkers that the enemy team are trying to take. Online, the game offers a revamped competitive multiplayer mode that delivers a wide range of different game types, from standard team deathmatch, to the all new "War" mode, which offers a more objective based style of play. Whether you're going undercover in a Nazi HQ to try and meet up with a collaborator who's agreed to get you some explosives sitting behind the wheel of a Sherman tank, as you level buildings with your gun in an attempt to take out the rocket launcher armed Nazis who're threatening your division or covering one of your squad mates from the top of a church, using a sniper rifle to pick off any Nazis that may be hiding in amongst the rubble, the levels are as varied as they are fast paced. Beginning with the infamous D-Day landings, you and your makeshift band of brothers will fight shoulder to shoulder through a variety of explosive levels, with an unrelenting pace.

In the game's story driven campaign mode, you take on the role of Private Ronald "Red" Daniels, a rookie recruit thrust into war at the deep end.